Unfortunately, no changes or cancellation is allowed once the order has been placed. Your order is immediately sent for processing once it has been placed.
In the rare occasion that a cancellation is allowed, we will charge a cancellation fee of 5% of the order amount and the cancellation fee is non-negotiable. This fee is intended to offset transaction fees and miscellaneous charges imposed by payment processors.
Regrettably, we are unable to accommodate returns or exchanges for items sold due to health and safety issues.
Please inspect your package in a timely manner. If you receive a defective product (excluding physical damage to the packaging due to shipping e.g. dented boxes etc.), kindly take a photo of the defective product and contact us via email at within 48 hours of receiving your package. In your email, please provide us with details and photos of the product defect.
If your delivery is incomplete, please inform us within 48 hours of delivery. Take a photo of the box with all the contents spread out next to it and send us an email, include your order details in the email. We will work with you for a resolution.